Good Example of Up Tempo Roma Music (Macedonian/Bulgarian Wedding Music)
More Commercialized (General Appeal) Style:
Amza Tairov is one of the most famous Tallava / Roma Music Musicians. Popular throughout most of the Balkan Roma Communities, Amza is known for revitalizing the synthesizer from a cheaper substitute for a original instrument into something regarded with respect in its own right in the Roma Community. With lightning fast finger work combined with lavish embellishments, the music has a ranges from fast paced dancing music to sorrowful notes lingering in the night.
In this particular collection, Amza is paired with a child singer (Dejo). The music is slower and the vocals seem to dominate unlike the Roma Music (Macedonian/Bulgarian Wedding music) that Amza has done as well.
Track List:
7 tracks, unlabeled.
Download Link:
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Ако знаете, собствениците на тази музика, моля свържете се с Балкан час. Ние също така ще бъде щастливо да публикувате връзки за CD продажби, бъдещи концерти или обща информация. Музиката тук има цел да информира и да създаде по-голям пазар за музика.
Malina - Bez izvinenie / Малина - Без извинение
Malina - Bez izvinenie / Малина - Без извинение
11 years ago