Tuesday, September 2, 2008

NEW MUSIC | September Mixtape |

The Balkan Hour "Radio" that is displayed above all posts on this blog (powered by Imeem.com)) has some new additions this month.

Separately embedded for your listening pleasure:

NEW MUSIC | September 2008 | Balkan Hour

To make sure these additions don't get lost in the Balkan Hour (about 40 tracks now), I've decided I'm going to introduce the songs. I've selected these songs because I either personally like them, they are popular in the Balkans/Bulgaria or they represent a certain genre that is important to be aware of when talking about Balkan music.

So here are the new Additions:

  • Po Poleka Baby - Sofi Marinova & Larenco | Definitely a hit with the kids in Bulgaria, something of a chalga / kuchek combination, would be considered Roma music
  • Pare Pare - Sevchet | "Money, Money", this Macedonian born Romani rapper/singer is mixing Romani and Macedonain/Bulgarian lyrics together in the same sentences. Another hit with youth in Bulgaria. Its consider Romani music, partially because of the Romani lyrics and the kuchek undertones of the song.
  • Zaide Zaide Qsno Slunce - Nikolina Charkardakova | A great Bulgarian/Macedonian song with wonderful lyrics and a beautiful voice. Both countries claim this song, so you can file it into the "ambigious origins" folder because it just to complicated for me to know. Its a Bulgarian Folk song that music bulgarians have heard.
  • Instramental - Orkestar Kristali & Aliosha | These guys are great examples of Roma music in Bulgaria. Its a pretty large departure from the Brass bands of Serbia and violins of Romania. Now imagine the band playing like this for about six hours and that will give you a picture of a Roma Wedding.
  • Godzilla - Orkestar Kristali & Aliosha | More for Orkestar Kristali (one of the more well known Romani bands in Bulgaria) and Aliosha (who's singing and clarinet skills are reknowned in the Romani communities in Bulgaria)
  • Vodka s Koka Kola - Orkestar Kristali | Again, Orkestar Kristali, but notice the slight change in style with more lyrics and a refrain. Its a simple beat with simple lyrics meant for parties. He's saying "I drink vodka with Coke Cola". Again a big hit with the Roma youth here.
  • Dosta Pare, Dosta Zlato - Rejo | From Petrich Bulgaria, Rejo is a local favorite in the Macedonian region of Bulgaria. This is more famous song. Not as famous as the other Romani musicians but still good. I've seen him live twice and he is low-key and great singer.

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