Germany's Shantel making waves in the Balkans
Just before leaving Bulgaria, I saw
Shantel making an appearance on Serbia's "MTV" called
DM SAT. The Serbian music television station played Disco
Partizani (which was shot in Istanbul. I saw some of the places in the video). I
talked about
Shantel and this video a
while back because of its racial tones by using ciganizatsia (niggerization).
Serbia's Mtv, DM SAT (don't worry they have MTV too)After the video,
DM SAT interviewed
Shantel in German about his music and its influences. It was translated into Serbian and I couldn't catch enough of it to follow everything but they definitely were asking him about his Balkan music.
Why is important? For the most part, the Balkans is pretty much unaware of the Westernized Balkan Music movement and rarely has heard of such
musicians like
BalkanBeatBox or Beirut. And that has a certain irony and is probably a good representation of other "World Music" movements throughout the world. What the locals listens to is usually different that the Westernized and culturally translated music that is popular in the Western countries. The fact the
Shantel is able to make presence in Serbia (and other Balkan countries, he gets occasional radio time in Bulgaria) is somewhat symbolic of the two types of music directly influencing each other.
Besides, I enjoy nothing more than seeing a German DJ that specializes in remixing Balkan music for clubs in Europe become popular in the Balkans. A similar comparison would be a German Country music star becoming popular in the bible belt. Its just to much fun, in terms of social observation, to not talk about.