Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog Maintenance | Daily Dose; ADs?!?; The Balkan Hour is Spreading

Just a couple of quick announcements about The Balkan Hour.

  1. The Daily Dose | There really are two types of blogging/writing; Current, fast, bytes that are short on context and explanation, and long, wordy pieces that are more precise but not as captivating. I prefer the latter (can you tell by this lead-in?). In an effort to appeal to the more casual observer, I'm going to give a Daily Dose of Balkan Music. It will mostly be video based but occasionally it will be something else. It will be quick and to the point. Video, text saying the name, and something funny or witty. That's it. Enjoy.
  2. Google Ads & Amazon Favorites? | I've added advertising to the website not really to make money but more as an experiment. I'm curious if it will make any money and I figure "why not". The Amazon Favorites allows me to promote books, CDs and Films I really enjoy in a legal way that most viewers can easily access.
  3. From this Blog, I've created an On-line presence at StumbleUpon, YouTube,, and . I've included links to all of these profiles on the sidebar towards the bottom. Feel free to look around. On YouTube and, I've got original videos from Bulgaria. Imeem is my music player of choice (currently). Muxtape, sigh. StumbleUpon has a lot of music and websites that I haven't blogged about yet.

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